How to Recruit Volunteers for a Non-Profit Organization

Every non-profit organization needs volunteers to help them achieve its goals. However, recruiting volunteers for your nonprofit organization can be a complex task because it’s not a paid job but a commitment. So, recruiting volunteers for a nonprofit organization becomes a striking problem for nonprofit organizers.

How to Recruit Volunteers for a Non-Profit Organization

This article will look at how to Recruit Volunteers for a Nonprofit Organization, but first, you need to understand what is a volunteer recruitment process.

What is the Volunteer Recruitment process?

Volunteer recruitment is one of the most misunderstood topics in the world of volunteering. When most people think of recruitment for volunteers, they only think about recruiting for staff. And that’s where the problem lies. Volunteer recruitment differs from staff recruitment; you can’t expect success until you understand the differences.

Without volunteers, many organizations could not deliver the services many communities rely upon. A volunteer recruitment process involves attracting and screening potential volunteers. It is used to find qualified candidates to fill specific positions or to maintain a pool of volunteers on hand.

7 Ways to Boost Volunteer Recruitment In Your Nonprofit

Focus On Building Trust 

Trust is the key to success. When you have built trust with people through a clear mission and values, regular communication, and precise results, you’ve done the pre-work that removes barriers and facilitates volunteer recruitment. 

Build Relationships Before You Need Volunteers 

Make it easier for others to connect to your organization by engaging them with your content online, at events or through donations. When you start recruiting volunteers, this helps them better understand your organization’s needs and how they might fit in.

Recruit through Your Current Volunteers

When a stranger asks you to volunteer, you will likely say no. A friend’s request, however, is more likely to be considered. Hence, you can use this strategy to get new volunteers by asking current volunteers to invite their friends. Those volunteers will be your best advocates for securing more volunteers! 

Offer Flexible Volunteer Opportunities Volunteer positions.

You should specify the expected level of commitment. Clarify the people if it involves a commitment of two months, four, or six months. 

Volunteers may prefer shorter commitments. So you should also offer short-term volunteer opportunities. Suppose your nonprofit recruits a volunteer for only one month, 8 hours per week. That would be ideal for someone whose availability fluctuates throughout the year; this way, you can hunt more volunteers.

Convey Your Purpose, Passion, and Urgency 

It is essential to communicate the reason why your organization needs volunteers. Bring together the passion of those who have expressed interest in this area in the past with the need.

Offer Support and Training for Volunteers

Recruiting volunteers is not the end of your work. Volunteers may feel unappreciated and unneeded if they work by themselves without supervision. Therefore, they should be welcome and properly trained. 

Highlight the Impact of Volunteers

It is not an issue for many people to work for free as long as they know it is for a good cause and makes a difference.

There are three ways to measure volunteer impact:

  • Quantitative impact: For example, one volunteer can assemble 100 hygiene kits monthly for the homeless community.
  • Qualitative impact: Volunteers from your nonprofit will assist 250 children in improving their reading skills.
  • Local impact: The volunteer will help neighbourhood residents find local mental health resources by answering the phone and welcoming visitors at the front desk.

When you make your organization’s impact clear in your volunteer recruitment, prospective volunteers will have an easier time visualizing what they will accomplish.

Where to Find Volunteers For a nonprofit?

Here are some places you can look for:

  • Feature Your Volunteers on Social Media: Use your Facebook page, Instagram account, website, and blog to hunt for volunteers.
  • Schools and Universities: Students at schools and universities are often enthusiastic and eager to engage in community service. Talk to the Student Services department about inviting students to volunteer.
  • Businesses: Businesses often provide their employees with opportunities for community involvement. You can contact a company’s community relations, corporate giving, or community affairs department. 
  • Clubs and Community Groups: Professional clubs, student organizations, and membership groups can be excellent volunteer resources. Try to reach them for more active volunteers.

FAQs about How to recruit volunteers for a non-profit organization

Why is it important to encourage volunteers?

Volunteers are the backbone of nonprofit organizations. Encouraging them for their work is a great way to give them more moral support and energy to do some more work.

Why should you volunteer?

This is morally good for you.
Experience gained by volunteers is valuable.
Human connection is a result of it.
Personal growth and self-esteem are promoted.
The act of volunteering strengthens your community.
You find a lot to learn.

How do I ask social media volunteers?

Create and share compelling content.
Update Your Current Projects Regularly.
Engage your audience by educating them.
Add your sign-up links to posts and bios.
Maintain Two-Way Communication.


Volunteer recruitment is an essential aspect of running a nonprofit organization. You can’t run an organization without the help of volunteers, and it is up to the organization’s leadership to recruit these volunteers. We have mentioned some effective tactics you can use to recruit volunteers. Use these tips when you are recruiting volunteers so that you can start your nonprofit organization with a dedicated team.

You May Also Read: What Are the Job Titles in a Nonprofit Organization?

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